Monday, July 5, 2010

Startled at The Domes

Abandoned in Arizona, pgs 244-245
Players: Beth and Josh - June 2010
Directions: In Casa Grande, just northwest of I-10 meeting I-8, take the Thornton Rd exit off of I-8. Take a left. You can't miss it.
Entrance Fee: $0

The Domes of Casa Grande were the third stop that Josh and I made on trip to Tucson. Since I have not made a detailed strategic plan pinpointing all the locations in my "Weird Arizona" book (like Mallery has done with her "Weird Michigan" book. But lets note that she apparently has way to much time on her hands...) I had to rely on Google to tell me the location of the elusive Domes. Unfortunately, Google really let me down this time and Josh was thrilled at my navigation skills! For about a 45 minutes we questioned why we were even doing the challenge...but we reminded each other that though finding The Domes was a bit painful, we can't let Mallery win! Muahhahahaah

Once we located The Domes, we had to marvel at how crappy they truly were! Built in the middle of the desert, they are a good place to bury a body or have a raging party (which, seeing the smashed bottles everywhere, it seems that maybe someone might have had that idea before me...). From the outside they resemble a weird village of caterpillars but the inside gives a much more welcoming feel. Covered in graffiti, broken glass, abandoned cupboards and appliances, and heck, it even included a small plank labeled "stairway to hell." I was kind of thinking this could be a destination campground. Maybe Mallery's parents might want to invest here...

Apparently these domes were built by a technology company about 30 years ago but they went bankrupt before production could begin. Now "The Domes" can be enjoyed for Satan worship and animal sacrifice.

1 comment:

  1. 1. I do not have an abundance of time on my hands as you may think.
    2. The strategic plan was a great idea...I believe Josh even called me while you were in search of this destination to say that he wished you had a plan like mine!
    3. I'll talk my parents into building a campground here and I'll come run it. Maybe I'll even move into your "Real World" house! :)
