Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Red Rock Vortexes

Unexplained Arizona, p. 72-74
Players: Charity, Josh, Michelle, and Beth
Directions: Sedona, AZ
Entrance Fee: $0

I have been to Sedona to enjoy its beauty four times since I have moved to Arizona thus far, twice with Charity (first time was an accident though trying to find a gas station on the way back from the Grand Canyon!), once with Josh, and once with my sister Michelle. With her cliffs, mesas, and spires adorned with warm red rock, Sedona is one of Arizona's scenic gems that I know I will continue to visit for many years to come.

In addition to being some of the most visually powerful sedimentary rocks in the country, they are also considered to be spiritually charged. Thousands of years ago the Native Americans (the Yavapai creation story takes place at the Boynton Canyon, which is often considered the most powerful site) were drawn to the rocks and people continue to be drawn to their mystifying "vortexes" to this day. The energy in the vortex is similar to the energy in a human being and anyone who comes within a quarter mile of the vortexes will be affected. When one comes in contact with one, visitors have described a sudden whoosh or faint vibration then are overcome with tranquility or rejuvenation like their batteries have just been recharged. Other visitors have seen strange lights or muted thunder from the rocks. The vortexes have influenced nature as well, causing plants to grow with a twisting, spiral formation.

So far scientists have not proven the effects of the "vortexes." Some locals call them electrical or electromagnetic, but concrete evidence of this has yet to be found.

Some other interesting theories to ponder!

Some believe that Bell Rock is hiding a giant crystal and will someday open up to reveal a spacecraft!

Many believe that you can use the vortexes to travel to alternate dimensions!

The vortexes effects are simply caused by equipment left over from visiting aliens in the 1960s!

Unfortunately, I have yet to feel the power from the vortexes. But I have enjoyed their beauty...

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